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Nursery School

Where Happy Children Learn

Starting nursery

Starting Nursery is a very exciting time! We are looking forward to sharing this journey with you and your child. We see each and every child as an individual so the transition into Nursery will sometimes be different as we tailor our package to suit the needs of your child.

Before starting Nursery, we will carry out a Home visit so that we can meet you and your child in a familiar environment. When we come to your house, we will ask you to check through the admission paper work and ask questions to help us get to know your child before they start. This information is important as it helps us to know how we can make the transition to Nursery a happy time. It is important that we get to meet your child during the Home visit and that they get to meet us so that they see a familiar face greeting them when they first come to Nursery. 

All children are offered a 1 hour visit. Some children are happy to visit without their parent staying and others need the support and reassurance of their parent. Following the visit, we will discuss a plan together to help your child start attending full sessions at Nursery. 

We are always happy to answer any questions you might have. Below is an information booklet that we will give to you during the Home visit which has lots of information that you need to know. 

How parents can help to prepare for transition
